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In reply to: [No subject] -- killer_raven 23:05:26 03-07-2006

Posted by: Xorlak
22:04:29 03-09-2006

Watching episode 4 again filled me with nostalgia and made me want to do another episode too.  (Heh...)

Making it a game was actually one of my fist thoughts before starting Dark Age.  The thing is movies (it's more like a cartoon series, actually, heh...) don't translate in to games very well and vice versa.  So I don't think I'll be doing anything with that.  Plus I already have too many game ideas in my head that aren't getting out fast enough, if you know what I mean.  (Heh...)

As for picking it up again.  Well, I've always liked doing clay animation, and I'll probably always have something on the backburner.  So it depends on how people like DAC.  Maybe I'll switch back between the two or something (although at this rate I'll be lucky to get one episode out per year.  Heh...)

But are people interested in what happens next?  Back in 2003 I think, I almost got around to starting it again and wrote up the script for episode 5.  I'll see if I can find it for you guys.

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