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In reply to: how can somone so weak become so strong?? -- killer_raven 22:18:54 01-18-2006

Darken strategies
Posted by: Xorlak
12:53:08 01-19-2006

Yeah, the trick to the harder Darken isn't so much your strength but anticipating what he's going to do.  His strength depends on yours, and since you're so strong, you'll likely have a long battle ahead.  (Heh...)

First off, his AI is particularly evil.  If your HP gets low enough so that a Dark Thunder spell would finish you, he will use it.  So keep your HP up at all times.

Secondly, you must try to synchronize your Trans with his as much as possible (this isn't entirely possible since I think his trans lasts for 6 turns and yours maxes at 5).  But your trans might outlast his if he's under Fast.

But of course, he's extremely dangerous under Fast, Enchant, etc.  The trick here is the "Break" spell (not the breaker attack), which nullifies status enhancements.  If you haven't found this, take a look around the normal world map for an island you can't land your boat on (I think... been a while, heh...).

Unfortunately, he also knows Break and will hit you with it as soon as you use Enchant (preventing the devastating Trans. -> Enchant -> Sacred Fire combo).  He'll hit you with Break only 50% of the time if you use Fast though, so you might be okay trying it.  Guard and the others are even less, so you might be okay using those.

That's about it.  If it's any consolation, he killed me like 12 times before I finally beat him.  (Heh...)  Good luck, and have fun!

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