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In reply to: Xorlak... -- Colin 17:11:45 03-12-2004

Posted by: Xorlak
12:11:02 03-13-2004

1. There should be an option in the fighting arena to stop. I had played for an hour and my character was practically at full health. Heh, what happens when you run out of MP and ST and still have most of your HP left?

That was my original idea, but I ran into a sort of looping error.  It's partially because of the way I designed the battle system...

Could you post a screenshot of your stats?  I curious to see your character... (he's obviously way stronger than any of my test plays, heh...)

2. The HP belt system is flawed. Sure, you caught the fact that -20% then +20% isn't the same but I think you should, in a way, have it removed then equipped each time the HP stat is raised. If it doesn't do that it just causes players to do it manually anyway.

A bit of lazyness on my part.  But now that I have more time, I think I'll fix that.  Thanks.

3. Though probably impossible (or a lot of work) it would be fun for Brash to become a "Blue Mage" of sorts and learn monster moves.

Interesting suggestion.  Not impossible, but maybe in another update... heh.

4. Even more difficult, being able to play against other players online would be awesome. It would be slightly more possible, since you know C++, to simply write a "tag along" program that reads the .sav files and does the battles. It wouldn't even have to use the TK.

Hmmm... yes I am quite familiar with C sockets.  The only graphics I have experience with is OpenGL, although that might work.  Would be a lot of work though, and I don't particlarly care for online games (I'm on a modem most of the time...)  Still, something to think about.

5. Lastly, what is the progress on this patch?

The surprise is nearing completion.  Next I'll go through the bugs one by one.  Probably look for it in April.

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