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In reply to: Questions -- Aminaga 16:36:53 09-17-2005

Posted by: Xorlak
12:53:06 09-18-2005

1: This one keeps tricking me. How do you say the name 'Xorlak' proberly. Cause I keep saying 'Zor-lock', and I'm not sure if that's right, or not.


2: Back in the comments section for one of the site updates, you said 'the latest version of TK3 impressed me.  Still some minor bugs and it's too slow sometimes, though.' I'm confused. Does that mean you're not using TK3, or like it, just have yet to look at other engines.

I basically meant that TK3 is finally better than TK2.  I like a lot of the new features (like canvassing) and the bugs are pretty minor compared to what they've been.  The thing is, I have an idea how the next 'big one' is going to be in my mind, and I need to find the game maker that can implement it most correctly.  So I'm keeping an open mind and trying out everything that's out there.  It'll be awhile before I make my decision (or even seriously start on the game), but you can rest assured that it will be for the best.  For the players!  (Heh...)

3: Do you know any good tutorial sites for Java coding, like the kind you used with JFighter? Cause I'm interested in trying to make my own Java game sometime.

I actually made this for a Java course in college.  I mostly used a book entitled "On to Java" for reference, but I wouldn't recommend it.  You can get all the info you need by searching for "Java tutorials" and "Java reference" in Google.  You can also pickup a Java compiler at http://java.sun.com.  Note that this is the Java language we're talking about and not Javascript, which is something entirely different.

4: Do you, or anyone else know any FREE site-advertising sites I could use that I don't pay for. I need one badly.

Actually I don't (or we'd have more visitors... Heh)

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