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In reply to: umm... -- Mark of the Dragon 22:49:53 08-11-2005

(No subject.)
Posted by: Aminaga
09:50:19 08-12-2005

Those are all VERY well known, dude. And also, Xorlak would probably hate Sphere. 99% of the game design with that engine is coding the engine itself 0_0;;

It takes too much just to put a character on-screen.

Well, you never know, Xorlak is good with Javascript, which is Sphere's coding language, and maybe he could just pull it off in Sphere. You never know.   ;-)

TK3, xorlak already knows.

Hopefully, it'll be TK3.

RPGMaker line...too simple for Xorlak's taste, and not very customizeable.

Plus, I don't think Xorlak wants to make his games using illegal software. =p

The others...not far enough in development, I think.

Pretty much. <_<

btw MotD, will you edit that signature of yours?


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