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In reply to: Yes, actually -- Xorlak 12:26:26 08-08-2005

that's good to hear...
Posted by: BBaller
16:20:19 08-08-2005

I'm glad you're giving it a thought.  GM constantly has upgrades by it's maker Mark Overmars, who is a game design professor, so he know what he's doing.  We've just recently had a major update (6.0 and again 6.1) that vastly improved the program's drawing and sound capabilities, meaning that the Toolkit's speed does not even compare to the almost flawless speed of GM.

I'm not dissing the Toolkit, though.  It's what got me into games and I used to love programming in it, until I believe CBM stopped working on it, I'm not sure what the story is anymore.

Anyway, this is my group's site:  hyun-unit.co.uk

We're currently redesigning it, so we're missing about 6 or 7 of our newer games, but some of the game's on there can give you an idea of what the pogram is capable of. As far as a menu driven game, check out the media player by one of our members there.  Elaborate interfaces like that are quite easy to build once you learn the programming language.

Sry, I feel like I'm intruding posting this here.  I don't mean any harm at all.  I just think you're a game designer that would benefit from this program.

Here's a recent rpg made with GM.  It has much info on its site.  I don't know the creators personally, but the game is a farely good rpg.