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In reply to: How do you do it??? -- FZ 17:24:55 08-04-2005

Posted by: Xorlak
13:24:16 08-05-2005

A lot of patience and hard work.

I'm not sure if I technically qualify as an independent maker since I use third party software (i.e. The Toolkit), but I consider myself one since I go through all the stages of game development, minus the most basic programming (the tile engine and such), especially for DA2, since all the work is original and the CD is for sale.

Basically plan out your work and take your time.  A smaller practice project beforehand won't hurt either.  Working by yourself is the best way to get started, since you are very unlikely to find other people who are willing to work on your project with the same amount of dedication you are.  I got lucky and found Rueben to help me out with music, but that was a full game and a half and another musician later.

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