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In reply to: If anyone played my game -- Tough Dragon 18:09:06 06-19-2005

I've played it...
Posted by: dreammakermaster
19:37:38 06-19-2005

Decent game. Here's my personal review of the game:

Graphics: 2/10
This game dosen't show off the best graphics sadly. Some pictures are ripped, other were made in none other then...the default RPG Toolkit tile editor! 2 out of 10.

Music: 4/10
This game isn't best with music either. Some of it is ripped from Castlevania, others are from the default, however, I think that Tough Dragon did a great job making it fit the mood of the game, until the end of the game that is.

Programming: 1/10
The Battle System and Menu System are each default, and the programming didn't seem that impressive. My opinion is that although this I believe is the final version, Tough Dragon should remake this game, maybe in TK3, and with custom systems.

Story: 7/10
The story itself is accually pretty good. But not as good as Dark Age 2, and The Black Walkway, which in my opinion, had the best storylines, but it is still surprisingly, among one of the best TK Game stories.

Overall Fun: 6/10
Graphics, music, and programming, weren't really the best, however, I still had a pretty good time playing this game.

20 out of 50!
Not the best TK game ever, as in not Dark Age kind of good, but still worth a look.

The name's Ragtunos, Aminaga Ragtunos.

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