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In reply to: hmmm... -- Cesque 16:16:55 10-03-2004

Well, this is how I look at it...
Posted by: The Eternal EoN
16:58:46 10-03-2004

I haven't played Dark Age 2 in ages, out of frustration of Hades kicking my ass all the time. But this is what I still remember...

DA2's level up system is the best in that you can level up Brash's stats as you wish, and still have an efficient fighter. People love to put their HP on steroids, and some *coughksniloccough* went so far as to get 10,000 HP.

You can also pump up your defense, while still raising your HP every now and then.

Elements are personal preference. If you use them evenly, you can still get lots of power, if you use the spells on the right people.

Tech vs. Magic is also personal preference.

Techs are usually stronger, but can only be used once per battle. In the case of one of the techs (the one that regenerates stamina), I find that I was only able to use it once. In fact, when I reinstall DA2 later today, I'll fix it. If you get your tech stat to 45... There's a surprise for you.

Magic, however, can be used as much as you want... until you run out of MP. But it's got much more in store than techs do.

Sometimes, you'll want to keep everything even, yet strong. But it takes more time. That's kinda what I did. It worked out quite well, I think. I'll post my stats as soon as I reinstall DA2 and its patch.

Now! This is it! Now it the time to choose! Die and be free of pain, or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!
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